Gas for $2.04?! Update and a few pages.
Wow. Why couldn't gas have been that cheap when we were moving across the country last summer? Oh well. I hope it stays low.
I've been working with some of Ethan's older photos lately. Well, they really aren't "that" old, but it seems like forever ago when I look at him now. He had to wear long pants for the first time in many months, and his are almost all floods now. They were almost too long the last time he wore them. I need to measure this kid. He couldn't have grown as much as his pants indicate, could he? I guess we'll go shopping this weekend.
My blood tests came back normal again. They put me on medicine for the headaches (which oddly enough has a possible side effect of "headaches") and it is helping, but I still get vertigo pretty bad at night. They had to lower the dose because I was basically hibernating like a bear, it made me SOOO tired. I told them I felt like a zombie. I go back late this week for a re-check. Can I just trade myself in for a newer model?
I need to take some pictures at Ethan's soccer game next week. He only has 2 weeks left, then he will start Tiger Cubs. They meet on Tuesdays, but he has soccer on Tuesday and Thursday, so we have to wait 'til soccer is over efore he can go to the meetings. He's getting anxious because his best friend from class last year is already in the troop (or is it a den, or a pack?) and they never get to see each other much anymore.
OK, here are the pictures.
Ethan and Glen on Grandpa's riding mower during our trip in Sept. 2004:
Last Spring during Kindergarten:
Ethan's first plane ride, also in Sept. 2004:
OK, these photos are super tiny when on pages. Maybe I'll just post some plain pictures next time. Sorry.
(DISCLAIMER: Blogger's spell check isn't working, so disregard any typos.)